Index file that stores the index of the feature geometry.Results 1 to 5 of 5. For example, the third geometric entity in the. The order of the entries in each of these files is synchronized. Supported geometries are point, multipoint, polyline, polygon, and multipatch. This is a variable-record-length file in which each record describes a shape feature with a list of its vertices. Shape format - the feature geometry itself. Instead, it supports a number x,y data type.

Shapefile does not support small integer 16bit or integer 32bit data types. All files must reside in the same folder. These extensions are added to the base name of the shapefile. No topological information is stored.Ī shapefile is a logical construct that consists of a series of physical files with different extensions.

ESRI shapefiles store both geometry and attributes for features. Each item usually has attributes that describe it, such as name, temperature, or XY coordinates. In this example, geographic features campsite, campground, forest, roads are represented in a shapefile by points, lines, and polygons areas. It is developed and regulated by Esri as a mostly open specification for data interoperability among Esri and other GIS software products. Still stuck? As always, whether you are doing this manually, with the attached lisp, or with a product like SuperPurge, work on a backup of your drawing until you are sure what you are doing.The shapefile format is a geospatial vector data format for geographic information system GIS software. If so, you can select and delete them even though they are not visible. Shape files contain shapes referenced by number. Anyone can create a shape file and give it this name. The chances of this working are very slim. Many times we see people in various CAD forums asking for a certain shape file name. If you do not have access to the required SHX file, it probably will not do much good to ask someone for it. This should free up the shape file for purging if it was referenced in a linetype. Set all layers to use the Continuous linetype, and make sure all entities are set to Bylayer linetype. Purge all linetypes and then see if the shape file can be purged. If you want to remove the SHX file references forever, you will need to purge them from the drawing. In any case, AutoCAD cannot find the shape file. If you do not have it, then perhaps you received this drawing from someone else? What if this is an internal drawing that you have been working on for a while? Most likely though, they are part of a complex linetype definition. Shape files contain shapes that can be used by themselves, sort of like blocks. If you receive this dialog, it means you are missing a shape file that is referenced in the drawing. Author: rkmcswain November 4, A very common issue with AutoCAD is the presence of the dialog below.