
DLL Injector Latest Version
DLL Injector Latest Version

DLL Injector Latest Version

We do not know what their code does, or what it can do.

DLL Injector Latest Version

McAfee Enterprise software considers third-party DLLs that have injected into McAfee Enterprise processes untrusted. It also includes those third-party DLLs described in the Problem statements below. This utility is recommended for any environment that experiences symptoms caused by the presence of third-party DLLs in McAfee Enterprise processes. The MfeSysPrep.exe is available through Technical Support, and can be used as a DLL injector discovery tool. This situation led to the utility MfeSysPrep.exe. An alternate response is then needed from McAfee Enterprise, to allow ENS to continue to operate normally. Although McAfee Enterprise tries to block those DLL load attempts, technical limitations allow those injections to sometimes succeed. McAfee Enterprise has encountered numerous software applications with legitimate reasons to load DLLs into McAfee Enterprise processes. This mechanism allows software developers to provide a richer computing experience for the user.

DLL Injector Latest Version

Although this behavior is similar to that of malware, it is also a built-in mechanism for Microsoft Windows. Software applications that run in Microsoft Windows environments can inject code into a process that is not their own.

DLL Injector Latest Version